Today i woke up at 3 a.m in the morning. I wasn't supposed to wake up that early but i think i was over worried that i might be late!Where were I heading to?I need to reach to an auntie house to prepare and cook vegetarian offerings to a temple in PJ. There is a group of aunties who are really KIND where they are volunteers in the temple.How did I get to know? Nah, Thanks to My Friend, Vivienne! Her mom is a devoted BUDDHIST and a volunteer in temple and charity organizations. So, this is how i have a chance to join such charitable works!

We need to reach this place at 6.30a.m. Here were the vegetables to be washed and cut. This was the first time i joined cooking volunteering jobs! Usually, i will be allocated as receptions and after i tried kitchen job...I really feel the taste of a REAL volunteering job!!It isn't EASy at all!!!!!!!

Everyone was so busy once entering the kitchen!!as we need to meet the time for prayers during WEsak Day!It is a BIG DAY for Buddhist!

Here is me!!!Acted like Ah Soh!!!!hahahhahahaha........While i was cutting vegetables, guess what? A centipede crawled into my pants!!!!Ahhhhhh...Help me!!!!The centipede was crawling in me for more than 30 minutes!!!!till i realized!!!Oh gosh...I was so scared!!! Lucky me!!Didn't get bitten i guess...:)

Here are some of the shots of Vivi's mom and her friend were washing the vegetables.These were the best moments where they worked with happy face!:)

Nah, I really salute this auntie!!!It isn't easy at all to cook in such big wok!!!! She cooked all the vegetarian offerings!

These are captures of all the volunteers busy with their tasks!

Sweet and sour Beancurds

Vegetarian goose

Some of the Kuih for volunteers' brekky

Vivi's Mom is a good cook!

Hahahahah.....I was trying to handle the cooking!It isn't easy at all!!!The heat from the fire and the heavy weight to stir the foods!!!I was sweating after 5 minutes!!!!I really respect all of the Volunteers in kitchen!!!!

Here are some of the pictures of the temple.

Kuan Yin Pu Sa(Kuan Yin Deity)

Prayers started at 11a.m where the monks and devotees started chanting for 45minutes to 1 hour long.

Then, showered the buddha with flower water.

Here is a dog who slept like a log in the temple!!!Funny!

Then, i dropped by at another temple at Kampung Cempaka, This temple is so so so Huge!!!and a lot of volunteers too!!I reckon that this temple is too commercial!!hahahah. There are a lot of donation boxes in one area! i think they might have more than 20 donation boxes!!

My day as volunteer ended at 3pm. I am really tired! I AM KNACKEREd!!!! However, it is really a special Wesak Day celebration for me to experience the greatness of these kind people! Although i am tired but I am glad and happy! I would like to wish everyone Happy Wesak Day!
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